Saturday 21 September 2013

Can unknown faces become a big awesome family ..???? YES , and it is GOOGLE FAMILY!!!

#Incredibleindia photo contest ..
HUGE collection of wonderful photographs that depict our country is being built through this campaign!
The details of participating in this campaign are here:

Thursday 30 May 2013

Exams are off now , could have a sigh of relief , it was really really hectic schedule for last one month , and its really wow of completing it!

Saturday 30 March 2013

I'm Amazed...

Being my third post of my blog , I'd like to say that what have i actually found out in BLOGGER . It drives me really crazy that 13 audiences read my blog in just 15 minutes after blogging my first blog. 11  Indians , 1 German and 1 American. I really don't know that how did they possibly reached my blog but I AM AMAZED...

Say Thankyou...

You might have born to win the world or to win nothing, it doesn't matter actually what you do with your life , But it really does matter what you do to your parents ,lovely called Ef Ye Tee Hech Ee Ar FATHER and Em Oo Tee Hech Ee Ar MOTHER .. does it ? Question yourself.. Each time when you question yourself it adds sense to your life . Life is beautiful actually i should say , In-order to make it more beautiful THANK everyone daily and timely, lets start thanking our dad and mom....THANK YOU. . .


Hello every one, I'm 19 ,  of course an young chap . I'm a proud music lover, gamer , artist , paparazzi , freelancer , I value love and emotions , if you ever wanna know me more log on to , cuz i might not find time to post about myself in my blog....

Bored? tired up of being in a relationship? bored of switching between home page and profile page in facebook ? then you're a crazy bie of PEOPLE LIKE US.. Stay connected , I will make your time :)