Wednesday 30 April 2014


photographs are not just taking the pictures in a marriage functions, friends bday party ,wedding ceremony etc .Rather it is an art of freezing the moments which acts as a portfolio to our life. Take pictures , save memories . Happy photography !


Life is all about bonds,promises,commitments. Do we really have to get so worked up for the average life span of 50-60 years . We're not going to take anything rather . The only thing which is going to be left free when we depart is our name and its bonded unique identity . Let the bondage of your name and your identity be something which gives you more value , profound love. And those bondings can be attained only by the value education which you might come across during your different facets of life .Travel towards the successful bond :) 
Measured steps of your life.


Have you ever aspired by the words of the writer , the flow of the words , the continuity of the feelings? A writer is a normal person who looks every common things differently which happens in our day to day life. For an instance , right from the milk boy to the last sleep at night he looks different which automatically transforms into  the words in the pages . He doesn't react different the happenings of the life . Acceptance is the primary character than a writer can pursue. The most writers are four eyed persons as they practice to view things strange and react normal . They believe in the consistent tenacity. 24 hours of a day is the whole compilation of beautiful things around you. Live it in the way you want.
Art of living.................................................................................... .................................... .................................